Mini Med Blog #15: Advance Care Plan – Make your wishes known

Life can change in an instant.

Imagine: You have been in a serious car accident. You have lost the ability to speak for yourself or direct your care. You do not recognize your family or friends. Do you know who would make health and personal care decisions for you? Does that person know what your wishes are in such a situation?

None of us know what tomorrow will bring. We cannot always predict if, or when, we will need to rely on others to make health care decisions for us, or when we will be called on to make these decisions for a family member. Advance Care Plan (ACP) is the way to addressed this scenario.

ACP involves two steps:

  • Confirming your substitute decision maker(s) (SDMs); AND
  • Communicating your wishes, values and beliefs to help your SDM(s) make health care decisions for you when the need arises

Substitute Decision Makers (SDMs)

In Ontario there is an automatic hierarchy of possible SDMs. (Your spouse or partner followed by your children and your surviving siblings). If you are not satisfied with your automatic SDM, then you can choose and name a person, or more than one person, to act as your SDM. This can be done by completing a document called a Power of Attorney for Personal Care. You may also assign a Power of Attorney for Property which names the person who can make decisions about your financial affairs. You can download and complete a free Powers of Attorney legal document on the Government of Ontario website. Another option is to have a lawyer write your power of attorney. Consider seeing a lawyer if your personal or business affairs are more complicated.

Advance Care Directive (AKA living will)

Once you identify your SDM(s) – you need to communicate your wishes to them in case of incapacity. Do they know your fears, wishes, and beliefs? Do they know what you value the most about life? You might value a life where you can live independently and have the ability to socialize with your loved ones. Does your SDM know your wishes if you are confined to a hospital bed unable to communicate?

The link below is a simple document that you can complete to assign your SDM(s) and communicate your wishes. Once completed, you can forward a copy of it to me and I will keep it on your file as well.

I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Stay safe and keep it healthy!

Dr. Matin
